Coin Return Button
(Mechanical Actuator)

This mechanical lever was designed to accompany a CPI Gryphon coin changer within a project to retrofit a currently deployed cash-only pay-on-foot machine. 

*Ongoing project

The Button

The design addressed the issue of translating lateral movement to a vertical force to actuate the physical lever on the coin changer machine. A simple linkage system is used to accomplished this. A small ball bearing was also used to interface with the coin-changer lever due to the movement of the lever being circular; this allowed the lever to smoothly slide along the inside button assembly as vertical pressure is applied.

The entire mounting assembly is keyed, thus eliminating any unwanted rotation and allowing a single nut to be used to secure to cabinet face. A torsion spring assists in the resetting of the button.

A cut channel in the button core allows the use of a o-ring to ensure weather-proofing and IP rating.

Prototyping and Manufacturing 

At the current time, this component is in the prototyping phase. This mainly consists of 3D printing components and testing fit and function. In it's final form steel, aluminum, or HDPE will be used.